Comas Haynes

Ph.D., Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Tech 
Master’s Degree, Mechanical Engineering, Georgia Tech
Bachelor’s Degree, Mechanical Engineering, Florida A&M University

Research Expertise
Thermal System Analysis and Design; Thermal Management; Fuel Cell Systems Analysis &Design; Energy Storage; Energy Efficiency; Alternative Energy; ** STEM Demographical Diversification ** 

Selected Publications
Haynes, C., Hughes, D. and Tucker, D., "Cyber-Physical Simulation for Virtual Characterization of SOFC Thermomechanical Response Within Hybrid Fuel-Cell/Gas Turbines," Materials Performance and Characterization 4, no. 1 (2015): 283-309.

Traverso, A., Tucker, D., and Haynes, C.L., “Preliminary Experimental Results of Integrated Gasification Fuel Cell Operation Using Hardware Simulation,” Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, vol. 134, no. 7, 2012. 

Hughes, D., Haynes, C., Davis, K., Ford, J.C., Tucker, D., and Wepfer, W.J., “A Real-Time Spatial SOFC Model for Hardware-Based Simulation of Hybrid Systems,” 9th International Conference on Fuel Cell Science, Engineering, and Technology, 2011, ESFuelCells2011. 

Ender, T., Murphy, J., Haynes, C., “A Framework for Portfolio Management of Renewable Hybrid Energy Sources,” IEEE Systems Journal,v. 4, no. 3, pp. 295-302, 2010. 

Nelson, G. and Haynes, C.L., “Continuum-level Solid Oxide Electrode Constriction Resistance Effects,” Journal of Power Sources, 185, pp. 1168-1178, 2008. 

Haynes, C.L., “Simulating Process Settings for Unslaved SOFC Response to Increases in Load Demand,” Journal of Power Sources, 109, pp. 365-376, 2002. 

Haynes, C.L. and W.J. Wepfer, “Enhancing the Performance Evaluation and Process Design of a Commercial-Grade Solid Oxide Fuel Cell via Exergy Concepts,” ASME Journal of Energy Resources Technology, v. 124, no. 2, p 95-104, June, 2002..

Haynes, C.L., “Clarifying Reversible Efficiency Misconceptions of High Temperature Fuel Cells in Relation to Reversible Heat Engines,” Journal of Power Sources, 92, pp.199-203, 2001.

Haynes, C.L. and W.J. Wepfer, “Characterizing Heat Transfer within a Commercial-Grade Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell for Enhanced Thermal Management,” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 26/4, pp. 369-379, 2001. 

Haynes, C.L. and W.J. Wepfer, “ ’Design for Power’ of a Commercial-Grade Tubular Solid Oxide Fuel Cell,” Energy Conversion and Management, 41:1123-1139; Erratum 41:2063-2067, 2000. 

Awards & Honors
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Joint Faculty Appointee, Energy and Transportation Sciences Division, 2014-2019.
American Society for Engineering Education/ Air Force Office of Sponsored Research Summer Faculty Fellow, 2012.
Ford Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, 2000-2001.

Comas Haynes

Materials and Energy Branch Head

Principal Research Engineer
Research Faculty

404-407-7578 | Email